I think the majority of us would be lying if we said we knew the rules well, but they can help you lower your score if you have a good understanding. The R&A and USGA have amended quite a few rules over the years with some quite large changes made in 2019 to help make the game fairer and more enjoyable.
Loose Impediments
Before 2019 you were only able to remove stones in bunkers if they fell under local rules but since then you can move loose impediments within bunkers and penalty areas (previously known as water hazards) for no penalty as long as you don`t cause the ball to move from its original position. Hazards and bunkers can be difficult enough so make sure you take advantage of this rule.
Accidental movement on the Putting Green
A rule change made in 2019 means that you are no longer penalised for causing your ball or marker to accidentally move on the putting green. The ball is to just be replaced to its original spot with no penalty.
Unplayable ball from Bunker
If bunkers are your Achilles heel, then this could save you a few shots throughout the season. There is always a time in the season when the weather has turned and as a result the bunkers become tricky to play from or maybe you were really unlucky and experienced a fried egg (plugged ball). Previously if you took an unplayable in a bunker you would have to go back and play from where you played your previous shot. For a 2 shot penalty you may now take relief back in line. This may not be used by many but if you find yourself in a terrible lie and you are prone to having a few out of the bunker it may just be a smart move to help prevent running up a large score.
The Double Hit!
For those who are known to double hit your chips, this only counts as one shot now as previously it would count as 1 shot for every time the club head contacted the ball. Make sure you let me know if this is an occurring shot pattern!
Relief for Embedded Ball
Pre 2019 you were only able to take relief for an embedded ball on the fairway unless there was a local rule, or preferred lies were in place. You are now able to take relief on an embedded ball any time of the year throughout the general area which is anywhere within the rough or fairway.
We don’t have the luxury at the Golf Club of calling in the referee at those unknown moments, so awareness at the crucial point to take a legal drop that helps give you a better angle for your next shot, or understanding the options you have when faced with the possibility of a free drop to remove you from danger can be a huge asset to your game. It could be the equivalent of saving one shot which could be comparative to multiple hours spent on the range. Final bit of advice, make sure you have the Rules of Golf in your golf bag or the app on your phone, after the event is often too late.